Studies of the Hydrological Cycle for the Sao Francisco Basin using a combination of modeling and satellite remote sensing
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Vitor Rebello1, Taina Martins1, Otto CorrĂȘa Rotunno Filho1, Afonso Augusto Araujo1 and Venkataraman Lakshmi2, (1)UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, (2)Univ South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States
The EPHSTC land surface hydrological model is used here in a case study for the São Francisco River Basin (area 630.000 km²) located in Northeast Brazil. The model solves the surface fluxes using ISBA prognostic equations and a gravitational drainage, a vertical diffusion process. A mechanism for subgrid-scale surface runoff generation was added. Another feature implemented in this model is the lateral redistribution of the soil water. This work will be a first attempt of evaluating EPHSTC results in a Brazil catchment for a long time period - 2001 to 2014. The GLDAS model input surface parameters would be used. Validation will be performed by the model values of soil moisture with corresponding GDLAS soil moisture (0-10,10-40,40-60 cm) and latent and heat fluxes. The two time series will be compared by calculation of the coefficient of determination and root mean square error.