Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in China

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Lin Mu Hui1, Shuxiao Wang1, Lei Zhang1, Feng yang Wang1, Qing ru Wu1 and School of Environment, and State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Tsinghua University, Beijing , China, (1)Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
In previous studies, the emission of anthropogenic atmospheric Hg in China as well as single sector have been examined a lot. However, there might have been more Hg released as solid wastes rather than air. Hg stored in solid wastes may be released to air again when the solid wastes experience high temperature process or cause local pollution if the solid wastes are stacked casually for a long time. To trace the fate of Hg in China, this study developed the substance flow of Hg in 2010 covering all the sectors summarized in table 1.

Below showed in Figure 1, the total Hg input is 2825t. The unintentional input of Hg, mined Hg, and recycled Hg account for 57%, 32% and 11% respectively. Figure 2 provides the detail information of substance flow of Hg. Byproducts from one sector may be used as raw materials of another, causing cross Hg flow between sectors. The Hg input of cement production is 303 t, of which 34% comes from coal and limestone, 33% comes from non-ferrous smelting, 23% comes from coal combustion, 7% comes from iron and steel production and 3% comes from mercury mining. Hg flowing to recycledHg production is 639 t, mainly from Hg contained in waste active carbon and mercuric chloride catalyst from VCM production and acid sludge from non-ferrous smelting. There are 20 t mercury flowing from spent mercury adding products to incineration. Figure1 and Figure 2 also show that 46% of the output Hg belongs to “Lagged release”, which means this part of mercury might be released later. The “Lagged release” Hg includes 809 t Hg contained in stacked byproducts form coal combustion, non-ferrous smelting, iron and steel production, Al production, cement production and mercury mining, 161t Hg stored in the pipeline of VCM producing, 10 t Hg in fluorescent lamps that are in use and 314 t mercury stored in materials waiting to be handled with in recycled mercury plants. There is 112 t Hg stored in landfill and 129 t Hg exported abroad with the export of mercury adding products. Besides, 729t Hg is released to the environment, among which, 534 t is emitted to air, 129 t flows into water and 66 t is discharged to soil.

To decrease the released mercury, the used mercury should be reduced firstly. On the one hand, large users like VCM production (the largest intentionally mercury user) should lower used mercury, on the other hand, mercury recycling should be enhanced.