Collaboration using open standards and open source software (examples of DIAS/CEOS Water Portal)

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Satoko Miura1, Shinichi Sekioka1, Kaori Kuroiwa2 and Yoshiyuki Kudo2, (1)JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Space Applications and Operations Center (SAOC), Tsukuba, Japan, (2)RESTEC Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
The DIAS/CEOS Water Portal is a part of the DIAS (Data Integration and Analysis System, systems for data distribution for users including, but not limited to, scientists, decision makers and officers like river administrators. One of the functions of this portal is to enable one-stop search and access variable water related data archived multiple data centers located all over the world.

This portal itself does not store data. Instead, according to requests made by users on the web page, it retrieves data from distributed data centers on-the-fly and lets them download and see rendered images/plots.

Our system mainly relies on the open source software GI-cat ( and open standards such as OGC-CSW, Opensearch and OPeNDAP protocol to enable the above functions. Details on how it works will be introduced during the presentation.

Although some data centers have unique meta data format and/or data search protocols, our portal's brokering function enables users to search across various data centers at one time. And this portal is also connected to other data brokering systems, including GEOSS DAB (Discovery and Access Broker). As a result, users can search over thousands of datasets, millions of files at one time.

Users can access the DIAS/CEOS Water Portal system at