EarthServer: an Intercontinental Collaboration on Petascale Datacubes

Monday, 14 December 2015: 08:24
2020 (Moscone West)
Peter Baumann, Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
With the unprecedented increase of orbital sensor, in-situ measurement, and simulation data there is a rich, yet not leveraged potential for getting insights from dissecting datasets and rejoining them with other datasets. Obviously, the goal is to allow users to "ask any question, any time" thereby enabling them to "build their own product on the go".

One of the most influential initiatives in Big Geo Data is EarthServer which has demonstrated new directions for flexible, scalable EO services based on innovative NewSQL technology. Researchers from Europe, the US and recently Australia have teamed up to rigourously materialize the concept of the datacube. Such a datacube may have spatial and temporal dimensions (such as a satellite image time series) and may unite an unlimited number of scenes. Independently from whatever efficient data structuring a server network may perform internally, users will always see just a few datacubes they can slice and dice. EarthServer has established client and server technology for such spatio-temporal datacubes. The underlying scalable array engine, rasdaman, enables direct interaction, including 3-D visualization, what-if scenarios, common EO data processing, and general analytics. Services exclusively rely on the open OGC "Big Geo Data" standards suite, the Web Coverage Service (WCS) including the Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS). Conversely, EarthServer has significantly shaped and advanced the OGC Big Geo Data standards landscape based on the experience gained.

Phase 1 of EarthServer has advanced scalable array database technology into 100+ TB services; in phase 2, Petabyte datacubes will be built in Europe and Australia to perform ad-hoc querying and merging. Standing between EarthServer phase 1 (from 2011 through 2014) and phase 2 (from 2015 through 2018) we present the main results and outline the impact on the international standards landscape; effectively, the Big Geo Data standards established through initiative of Earth Server include OGC, ISO, and INSPIRE.