Deciphering the Western Mediterranean mantle heterogeneities through a statistical approach of the erupted volcanic rocks.

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Massiimiliano Melchiorre1, Jaume Verges1, Manuel Fernandez2, Massimo Coltorti3, Montserrat Torne1 and Emilio Casciello1, (1)ICTJA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain, (2)Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States, (3)Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Physics and Earth Science, Ferrara, Italy
The Western Mediterranean (We-Me) is characterized by a complex geodynamic history related to subduction events that can be explained by three different models: A) N-NW dipping slab extending from the Gibraltar arc to the Balearic promontory retreating in S-SE direction; B) NW dipping slab under the Balearic promontory, retreating in SE direction towards the Gibraltar strait C) two opposite-directed subductions separated by a transform fault subparellel to the Pierre Fallot Fault

Since Oligocene the geological evolution of this part of the Mediterranean is characterized by widespread volcanic activity, related to subductive (orogenic) or intraplate (anorogenic) settings. We merged two huge orogenic and anorogenic datasets containing over 14,000 chemical analyses and processed them through factor analysis, in order to reduce the large number of geochemical parameters describing each sample (major/trace elements, isotopic ratios) through a smaller number of factors.

Binary diagrams obtained combining seven resulting factors allow to distinguish the anorogenic field from the orogenic one. Anorogenic rocks usually fall in a narrow range of variation, while orogenic are characterized by a greater variability and by alignment along different trends. These different trends account for large heterogeneities of the sub lithospheric mantle due to extensive recycling of geochemically different materials through time, supporting the idea that different reservoirs are responsible for the Mediterranean volcanism [1].

The spatio-temporal evolution of the We-Me lamproites allows us to speculate a two-step evolution of the mantle beneath southern Spain. This evolution has been evaluated in light of the three models. We therefore propose that a type C model accounting for the presence of two juxtaposed slabs beneath the We-Me is the most feasible model to describe the geodynamic evolution of this area.

[1] Conticelli et al. (2009). Lithos 107, 68-92.