A protocol for validating Land Surface Temperature from Sentinel-3
The Sentinel-3 Cal-Val Plan for evaluating the level-2 SL_2_LST product builds on an established validation protocol for satellite-based LST. This set of guidelines provides a standardized framework for structuring LST validation activities, and is rapidly gaining international recognition. The protocol introduces a four-pronged approach which can be summarised thus: i) in situ validation where ground-based observations are available; ii) radiance-based validation over sites that are homogeneous in emissivity; iii) intercomparison with retrievals from other satellite sensors; iv) time-series analysis to identify artefacts on an interannual time-scale. This multi-dimensional approach is a necessary requirement for assessing the performance of the LST algorithm for SLSTR which is designed around biome-based coefficients, thus emphasizing the importance of non-traditional forms of validation such as radiance-based techniques. Here we present examples of the application of the protocol to data produced within the ESA DUE GlobTemperature Project. The lessons learnt here are helping to fine-tune the methodology in preparation for Sentinel-3 commissioning.