How well does Preisach Theory predict Pseudo-Single-Domain Behavior?
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Adrian R Muxworthy, Imperial College London, Earth Science and Engineering, London, United Kingdom
Single-domain Preisach theory has been used to quantify the behaviour of natural systems, for example, it has been used to determine paleointensity estimates from first-order-reversal-curve (FORC) measurements on natural samples, but how well does Presiach theory explain the behavior of the particles dominant in many natural systems: pseudo-single-domain (PSD) grains? Using experimental data collected from synthetic samples I investigate this. The samples were generated by electron beam lithography, and consist of two-dimensional arrays of near-identical particles in the PSD grain size range. To generate a Preisach distribution, I measure a FORC diagram and then compare measured responses, e.g., alternating-field demagnetisation, with those predicted by a single-domain Preisach theory.