An entropy-based index for spatio-temporal analysis of hydrologic and land-cover alterations
An entropy-based index for spatio-temporal analysis of hydrologic and land-cover alterations
Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
The hydrological behavior of a watershed is influenced by a multitude of factors that interact differently in time and space. The perspicacity of these interactions is critical for advancing water resources management. This study discusses an approach that entails an entropy-based spatio-temporal disorder index. The index seems suitable for analyzing joint features and is hence applicable to these interactions at the watershed scale. The approach examines the joint spatio-temporal patterns of streamflow, precipitation, and land-cover across the watershed. Indeed, these three variables play a determinant role in terrestrial hydrology and are time dependent with meaningful spatial heterogeneity. Application of the entropy-based index reveals prominent signals that are useful for water resources assessment. The approach provides realistic insights into the interactions between different hydrologic and land-cover variables or factors.