Low Temperature Plasticity of Olivine Determined by Nano-indentation

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 13:40
301 (Moscone South)
Philip A Skemer, Kelly Kranjc, Zachary Rouse and Katherine Flores, Washington University in St Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States
Earth’s upper mantle is thought to deform mainly by dislocation creep, during which strain-rate and stress are related by a simple power law equation. However at much higher stresses there is a break-down in the power law relationship and strain-rate depends exponentially on stress. This phenomenon, known as low temperature plasticity, may be important in the shallow ductile or semi-brittle regions of the lithosphere, at the tips of cracks, or during high-stress laboratory experiments. Several studies have attempted to constrain the low-temperature rheology of olivine using micro-indentation or high pressure experiments. In this study we provide the first measurements of olivine rheology at low temperature using instrumented nano-indention. Although nano-indentation has been widely used in the materials sciences, its application in the Earth sciences has been very limited. Nano-indentation methods provide rheological measurements that are significantly more precise than other mechanical tests at high pressure and temperature. Moreover, experiments are rapid and largely non-destructive, so many tests can be conducted in a short amount of time. In this study, olivine single crystal and polycrystalline samples were tested using a Hysitron TI950 TriboIndenter. Temperature was varied using a cooling/heating stage from 0-175°C. Experiments were conducted under quasi-static and constant strain-rate conditions. Indentation hardness measurements were converted to uniaxial rheological properties to facilitate direct comparison with previous studies. Yield strengths for olivine range from 4.19 GPa at 175°C to 4.60 GPa at 0°C. Using various models for obstacles to dislocation motion, data are extrapolated to 0 Kelvin to extract a Peierls stress for olivine (5.32-6.45 GPa), which is at the lower end of the range of values determined in previous studies. This study demonstrates the efficacy of the nano-indentation method for the study of mineral rheology, and opens a promising line of micromechanical research in the Earth sciences.