Lead isotopes tracing the life cycle of a catchment: From source rock via weathering to human impact

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Philippe Jean Negrel, BRGM, Laboratories Division, Cedex, France
Chemical weathering of rocks involves consumption of CO2, a greenhouse gas with a strong influence on climate. Among rocks exposed to weathering, basalt plays a major role in the carbon cycle as it is more easily weathered than other crystalline silicate rocks. This means that basalt weathering acts as a major atmospheric CO2 sink. The present study investigated the lead isotopes in rock, soil and sediment for constraining the life cycle of a catchment, covering source rocks, erosion processes and products, and anthropogenic activities. For this, we investigated the Allanche river drainage basin in the Massif Central, the largest volcanic areas in France, that offers opportunities for selected geochemical studies since it drains a single type of virtually unpolluted volcanic rock, with agricultural activity increasing downstream. Soil and sediment are derived exclusively from basalt weathering, and their chemistry, coupled to isotope tracing, should shed light on the behavior of chemical species during weathering from parental bedrock. Bedrock samples of the basin, compared to regional bedrock of the volcanic province, resulted from a complex history and multiple mantle reservoir sources and mixing. Regarding soils and sediments, comparison of Pb and Zr normalized to mobile K shows a linear evolution of weathering processes, whereby lead enrichment from atmospheric deposition is the other major contributor. Lead-isotope ratios showed that most of the lead budget in sediment and soil results from bedrock weathering with an influence of past mining and mineral processing of ores in the Massif Central, and deposition of lead-rich particles from gasoline combustion, but no lead input from agricultural activity. A classic box model was used to investigate the dynamics of sediment transfer at the catchment scale, the lead behavior in the continuum bedrock-soil-sediment and the historical evolution of anthropogenic aerosol emissions.