Upscaling and Downscaling of Land Surface Fluxes with Surface Temperature
Friday, 18 December 2015: 17:15
3014 (Moscone West)
William P Kustas1, Martha C. Anderson2, Christopher Hain3, John D Albertson4, Feng Gao2 and Yun Yang5, (1)USDA ARS HRSL, Beltsvillle, MD, United States, (2)USDA ARS, Pendleton, OR, United States, (3)Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, COLLEGE PARK, MD, United States, (4)University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, (5)USDA ARS, Beltsville, MD, United States
Land surface temperature (LST) is a key surface boundary condition that is significantly correlated to surface flux partitioning between latent and sensible heat. The spatial and temporal variation in LST is driven by radiation, wind, vegetation cover and roughness as well as soil moisture status in the surface and root zone. Data from airborne and satellite-based platforms provide LST from ~10 km to sub meter resolutions. A land surface scheme called the Two-Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model has been incorporated into a multi-scale regional modeling system ALEXI (Atmosphere Land Exchange Inverse) and a disaggregation scheme (DisALEXI) using higher resolution LST. Results with this modeling system indicates that it can be applied over heterogeneous land surfaces and estimate reliable surface fluxes with minimal in situ information. Consequently, this modeling system allows for scaling energy fluxes from subfield to regional scales in regions with little ground data. In addition, the TSEB scheme has been incorporated into a large Eddy Simulation (LES) model for investigating dynamic interactions between variations in the land surface state reflected in the spatial pattern in LST and the lower atmospheric air properties affecting energy exchange. An overview of research results on scaling of fluxes and interactions with the lower atmosphere from the subfield level to regional scales using the TSEB, ALEX/DisALEX and the LES-TSEB approaches will be presented. Some unresolved issues in the use of LST at different spatial resolutions for estimating surface energy balance and upscaling fluxes, particularly evapotranspiration, will be discussed.