A Statistical Study of the Magnetic Structure of Magnetic Clouds Downstream of the Earth's Bow Shock
Monday, 14 December 2015: 10:50
2018 (Moscone West)
Lucile Turc, European Space Research and Technology Centre, Noordwijk, Netherlands, Dominique Fontaine, CNRS, Paris Cedex 16, France, Emilia Kilpua, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland and C Philippe Escoubet, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Magnetic clouds (MCs) are large-scale solar wind transients characterized primarily by an enhanced and smoothly-rotating magnetic field over periods of the order of one day. They are the drivers of the most intense geomagnetic storms, therefore understanding their interaction with the Earth's environment is of major interest for space weather forecasting. The first steps of this complex chain of processes are their interaction with the terrestrial bow shock and the ensuing propagation in the magnetosheath. Recent studies have shown that under certain conditions the distinctive magnetic structure of MCs can be significantly altered downstream of the bow shock. In such case, the magnetic field impinging on the magnetosphere strongly differs from that in the upstream solar wind and could lead to a reconnection pattern very different from that expected from the solar wind observations. The aim of the present work is to substantiate and generalize these results, obtained from a few MC events, in performing a statistical study. For this purpose, a comprehensive database of MC events, covering about 15 years of data, from 2000 to 2014, has been compiled. It lists presently 151 MCs observed in L1 by either Wind or ACE. Using the events during which spacecraft observations in the magnetosheath are simultaneously available, we investigate the evolution of the magnetic structure of MCs from the solar wind to the magnetosheath. The influence of the upstream solar wind parameters, such as the plasma beta, the Alfven Mach number or the magnetic field strength, is examined. Using a semi-analytical model, we estimate the local shock properties encountered upon entering the magnetosheath and find that the alteration of the magnetic structure of MCs strongly depend on the shock geometry. The large dataset allows us to assess the limitations of the magnetosheath model. The consequences of our results in terms of the geoeffectivity of MCs are discussed.