The VLF/LF Foshan Total lightning location system(FTLLS) in China.
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Li Cai, Wuhan University, School of Electrical Engineering, wuhan, China
We set up a total lightning location system based on the arrival time difference in 2013. The total lightning location system has been used to observe three dimensional lightning discharge of Foshan area for two years. This paper presents the installation of the network and preliminary results of observations. The most active time of lightning strong convective weather in Foshan region is mainly concentrated in May to July. Lightning activity is closely related to precipitation. The convective activity at afternoon and night is more frequently. The percentage of the intracloud flash, cloud-to-ground lightning and narrow bipolar event (NBE) is 65%, 34% and 1% respectively in Foshan area, The height of all the lightning is 20 km or less and 80% is below 15 km. The negative intracloud flashes are mainly in the 4 to 11 km heights while the positive flashes are mainly concentrated in the 6 to 13 km height. In addition, the discharge height of negative NBEs is 14 to 18 km and the discharge height of positive NBEs is 10 to 15 km.