Calibrated Multiple Event Relocations of the Central and Eastern United States
Friday, 18 December 2015: 08:00
307 (Moscone South)
William L Yeck1, Harley Benz1, Daniel E McNamara1, Eric Bergman2, Robert B Herrmann3 and Stephen C Myers4, (1)USGS National Earthquake Information Center Golden, Golden, CO, United States, (2)Global Seismological Services, Golden, CO, United States, (3)St Louis Univ, Saint Louis, MO, United States, (4)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States
Earthquake locations are a first-order observable which form the basis of a wide range of seismic analyses. Currently, the ANSS catalog primarily contains published single-event earthquake locations that rely on assumed 1D velocity models. Increasing the accuracy of cataloged earthquake hypocenter locations and origin times and constraining their associated errors can improve our understanding of Earth structure and have a fundamental impact on subsequent seismic studies. Multiple-event relocation algorithms often increase the precision of relative earthquake hypocenters but are hindered by their limited ability to provide realistic location uncertainties for individual earthquakes. Recently, a Bayesian approach to the multiple event relocation problem has proven to have many benefits including the ability to: (1) handle large data sets; (2) easily incorporate a priori hypocenter information; (3) model phase assignment errors; and, (4) correct for errors in the assumed travel time model. In this study we employ bayseloc [Myers et al., 2007, 2009] to relocate earthquakes in the Central and Eastern United States from 1964-present. We relocate ~11,000 earthquakes with a dataset of ~439,000 arrival time observations. Our dataset includes arrival-time observations from the ANSS catalog supplemented with arrival-time data from the Reviewed ISC Bulletin (prior to 1981), targeted local studies, and arrival-time data from the TA Array. One significant benefit of the bayesloc algorithm is its ability to incorporate a priori constraints on the probability distributions of specific earthquake locations parameters. To constrain the inversion, we use high-quality calibrated earthquake locations from local studies, including studies from: Raton Basin, Colorado; Mineral, Virginia; Guy, Arkansas; Cheneville, Quebec; Oklahoma; and Mt. Carmel, Illinois. We also add depth constraints to 232 earthquakes from regional moment tensors. Finally, we add constraints from four historic (1964-1973) ground truth events from a verification database. We (1) evaluate our ability to improve our location estimations, (2) use improved locations to evaluate Earth structure in seismically active regions, and (3) examine improvements to the estimated locations of historic large magnitude earthquakes.