Integrating GRACE and multi-source data sets to quantify the seasonal groundwater depletion in mega agricultural regions

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Yin Tang1, Dingbao Wang1, Tingju Zhu2 and Claudia Ringler2, (1)University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States, (2)International Food Policy Research Institute, Environment and Production Technology Division, Washington, DC, United States
It is challenging to quantify the groundwater depletion in the mega basins owing to the huge spatial scale and the intensive anthrophonic activities (e.g. dams and reservoirs). Recently, the satellite Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) data provides an opportunity to monitor large-scale groundwater depletion. However, the data is only available after 2002, limiting the understanding of inter-annual variability of seasonal groundwater depletion. In this study, a simple model with two parameters is developed, based on the seasonal Budyko framework for quantifying the seasonal groundwater depletion. The model is applied to the Indus and Ganges River basin in South Asia and the High Plain/Ogallala aquifer in United States. The parameters of the model are estimated by integrating GRACE and other multi-source data sets. Total water storage changes before 2003 are reconstructed based on the developed model with available data of evaporation, precipitation, and potential evaporation.