Using Atmospheric Circulation Patterns to Detect and Attribute Changes in the Risk of Extreme Climate Events
Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 10:35
2012 (Moscone West)
Noah S Diffenbaugh1, Daniel E Horton2, Deepti Singh3, Daniel L Swain1, Danielle E Touma1 and Justin S Mankin3, (1)Stanford University, Earth System Science, Stanford, CA, United States, (2)Northwestern University, Earth & Planetary Science, Evanston, IL, United States, (3)Columbia University of New York, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, United States
Because of the high cost of extreme events and the growing evidence that global warming is likely to alter the statistical distribution of climate variables, detection and attribution of changes in the probability of extreme climate events has become a pressing topic for the scientific community, elected officials, and the public. While most of the emphasis has thus far focused on analyzing the climate variable of interest (most often temperature or precipitation, but also flooding and drought), there is an emerging emphasis on applying detection and attribution analysis techniques to the underlying physical causes of individual extreme events. This approach is promising in part because the underlying physical causes (such as atmospheric circulation patterns) can in some cases be more accurately represented in climate models than the more proximal climate variable (such as precipitation). In addition, and more scientifically critical, is the fact that the most extreme events result from a rare combination of interacting causes, often referred to as “ingredients”. Rare events will therefore always have a strong influence of “natural” variability. Analyzing the underlying physical mechanisms can therefore help to test whether there have been changes in the probability of the constituent conditions of an individual event, or whether the co-occurrence of causal conditions cannot be distinguished from random chance. This presentation will review approaches to applying detection/attribution analysis to the underlying physical causes of extreme events (including both “thermodynamic” and “dynamic” causes), and provide a number of case studies, including the role of frequency of atmospheric circulation patterns in the probability of hot, cold, wet and dry events.