Influence of bed armoring and clusters on bed-load transport – Experiments and Stochastic model analysis

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Dong Chen1, Yong Zhang2, Shiyan Zhang1 and Hongguang Sun3, (1)CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijng, China, (2)University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States, (3)Hohai University, Nanjing, China
The complex dynamics of non-uniform bed-load transport in a series of well-controlled laboratory experiments are explored systematically and simulated by a stochastic model in this study. First, both static and mobile bed armoring experiments are conducted in laboratorial flumes to monitor the transport of mixed-size sand/gravels, where apparent bed clusters develop only in the mobile armoring experiment due to the stable feeding and the relatively longer transport period. Second, a stochastic model is applied to quantify the observed dynamics of tracer particles, including the coexistence of the sub-diffusion and non-local feature caused by self-organized clusters within the armor layer. We find the strong interaction of particle-bed may cause the scale-dependent capacity coefficient for bed-load transport along mobile armor layers.