Holocene Age Methane and Carbon Dioxide Dominate Northern Alaska Thaw Lake Emissions

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Clayton Elder1, Amy Townsend-Small2, Kenneth M Hinkel2, Xiaomei Xu1 and Claudia I Czimczik3, (1)University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States, (2)University of Cincinnati Main Campus, Cincinnati, OH, United States, (3)University of California Irvine, Earth System Science, Irvine, CA, United States
Lakes expanding into ice-rich permafrost can rapidly re-introduce large quantities of ancient organic carbon (C) to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) or the more powerful greenhouse gas methane (CH4). Quantifying the sources of greenhouse gas emissions from arctic lakes will reduce large uncertainties in the magnitude and timing of the C-climate feedback from the Arctic, and thus trajectories of climate change.

This work provides the first regional assessment of integrated whole-lake radiocarbon (14C) ages of dissolved CH4 and CO2 as a proxy for C emission sources in northern Alaska. We collected water samples from below ice along two 170 km north-south transects on the Arctic Coastal Plain (ACP) of Alaska in April 2012 and 2013. These lakes represent a network monitored by the US-NSF funded project, Circum-Arctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON), http://www.arcticlakes.org/. Dissolved CH4 and CO2 were extracted and analyzed for their 14C content. The presence of winter ice on the surface of lakes obstructs the emission of CH4 and CO2 originating from the perennially thawed sub-lake sediments. The trapped gases are forced to mix, thus measured 14C ages are integrated signatures representing the whole-lake emissions.

Dissolved CH4 and CO2 ages do not correlate with latitude, yet seem to be driven by surficial geology. Of nearly 150 14C measurements, below-ice dissolved CH4 is the oldest (around 2145 ± 15 14C YBP) in a lake residing on “peaty, sandy lowland” on the northern ACP near the town of Barrow. Modern CH4 and CO2 dominate emissions from “eolian sandy lowlands” in the interior of the ACP. Across all lakes, dissolved CH(avg. 836 14C YBP) is older than dissolved CO2 (avg. 480 14C YBP) by a regional average of ca. 360 14C YBP. Results from this study indicate that decomposing Holocene-age organic material is the primary source of CH4 and COemissions from the Alaskan ACP. This baseline dataset provides the foundation for future regional lake monitoring in the warming arctic climate. Our whole-lake proxy facilitates lake-to-lake comparison and regional up scaling, thereby strengthening quantitative understanding of how environmental drivers (water body size, climate, surficial geology) affect the magnitude and sources of biogenic CH4 and CO2 emissions.