Reconstruction of western Pacific and Atlantic Ocean Surface Stability during the Miocene to Quaternary based on nannofossil assemblages

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Tokiyuki Sato, Santi dwi Pratiwi and Rendy Effendi, Akita University, Faculty of International Resource Sciences, Akita, Japan
We studied in detail the calcareous nannofossil assemblages of the middle Miocene to Quaternary sequences of ODP Sites 782, 1005, 1006, and 1007 located in western Pacific Ocean and Bahama Bank of Caribbean Sea. Site 1007, 1005, 1006 are situated in the cross section of Bahama Bank from near shore to offshore site. Discoaster species, which is interpreted as lower photic zone species, is increasing the relative number towards the offshore site. This means that the abundant occurrence of Discoaster specimens indicates the well stratified surface water conditions. We also correlated the variability of maximum size of “Reticulofenestra” specimens between Sites 782, 1005, 1006, and 1007 (Fig ). The variability of the maximum size of Reticulofenestra recorded in site 782 is positive correlation with those in Site 1006, 1005, and 1007. As the occurrence of large size Reticulofenestra indicate the oligotrophic and stable sea surface condition, the drastic decreasing of maximum size of Reticulofenestra fond in 2.75Ma, 3.6Ma, 5.4Ma, 9Ma and 13Ma, indicates the collapse of stable and low nutrient sea surface conditions at these ages in both Caribbean Sea and western Pacific Ocean. The events found in the sequences are correlated to closure of Central American seaway, Messinian salinity crisis, intensify the Asian Monsoon, and closure of Indonesian Sea way.