Examples of Pre-College Programs that Teach Sustainability

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Michael J Passow, Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Earth2Class Workshops for Teachers, Palisades, NY, United States; National Earth Science Teachers Association, Fort Collins, CO, United States
Programs to help pre-college students understand the importance of Sustainability can be found around the world. A key feature for many is the collaboration among educators, researchers, and business. Two examples will be described to indicate what is being done and goals for the future. “Educação para a Sustentabilidade” (“Education for Sustainability”, http://sustentabilidade.colband.net.br/) developed at the Colegio Bandeirantes in Sao Paulo, Brazil, is a popular extracurricular offering at one of Brazil’s top schools that empowers students to investigate major issues facing their country and the world. They recognized that merely knowing is insufficient, so they have created several efforts towards an “environmentally friendly, socially just, and economically viable” world. The Education Project for Sustainability Science interacts with students in various grade levels within the school, participates in sustainability initiatives in other parts of the nation, and communicates electronically with like-minded programs in other countries. A second example will spotlight the CHANGE Viewer (Climate and Health Analysis for Global Education Viewer, http://climatechangehumanhealth.org/), a visualization tool that uses NASA World Wind to explore climate science through socio-economic datasets. Collaboration among scientists, programmers, and classroom educators created a suite of activities available to teach about Food Security, Water Resources, Rising Sea Level, and other themes.