Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean.
Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Convection-related data constrain lower-mantle density anomalies that contribute to mantle convective flow. These include global gravity and topography anomalies, plate motions and excess ellipticity of the core-mantle boundary (CMB). Each datum possesses differing wavelength and depth dependent resolution of heterogeneity and thus the strongest constraints on density anomalies are obtained by jointly inverting all data in combination. The joint-inversions employ viscous response functions (i.e. geodynamic kernels) for a flowing mantle. Non-uniqueness is greatly reduced by including seismic and mineral physics data into the joint inversions. We present the results of inversions where seismic and geodynamic data are singly and jointly inverted to map density anomalies. Employing mineral physical data we estimate thermal and compositional contributions to density anomalies. We evaluate the extent to which "Large Low Shear Velocity Provinces" (LLSVP) are anomalous and we determine their impact on the global pattern of convective flow. The inversions yield consistent maps of lower-mantle flow (see figure) that are dominated by two large upwellings, under the Western Pacific (next to the Caroline microplate) and Eastern Pacific (under the East Pacific Rise). These hot upwellings effectively delimit the margins of the Pacific LLSVP, suggesting intrinsic negative buoyancy within this structure impedes large-scale upwellings in the mantle above. These two upwellings do not resemble classical mantle "plumes" found in simple isoviscous and isochemical convection models but their contribution to mass and heat transport across the lower mantle is significant and thus behave similarly to plumes. The large scale of these upwellings may be understood in terms of the high viscosity in the lower mantle, inferred from geodynamic constraints on mantle rheology. Very-long time convection simulations initiated with present-day structure inferred from these inversions show the two Pacific upwellings possess remarkable geographic fixity and longevity extending over several hundred million years, again a consequence of the high viscosity in the lower mantle. These upwellings are fed by large heat flux across the CMB (from 12 to 20 TW) and should play a major role in the thermal evolution of the mantle.