The Alfven Mach Number Control of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Efficiency and the Saturation of the Geomagnetic Indices

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Minna Emilia Myllys1, Emilia Kilpua1 and Benoit Lavraud2, (1)University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, (2)IRAP, Toulouse, France
We have investigated the effect of key solar wind driving parameters on the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling efficiency and saturation of the cross polar cap potential (CPCP) during sheath and magnetic cloud driven storms. The particular focus of the study was on the coupling efficiency dependence with Alfven Mach number (MA).

Since we are studying the instantaneous coupling efficiency instead of the average efficiency over the whole solar wind structure, we needed to take into account the communication time between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. We present the results of the time delay analysis between geomagnetic indices (PCN, AE and SYM-H) and the interplanetary electric field y-component (EY, GSM coordinate system) and Newell and Borovsky functions.

The study shows that the MA has a clear effect to the saturation of the PCN index, which can be used as a proxy of the polar cap potential. The higher the MA the higher the limit EY value after which the saturation starts to occur. Thus, the coupling efficiency increases as a function of MA. Also, the AE index saturates during high solar wind driving but the saturation is not MA depended. However, the results also suggest that the MA it is not the primary cause for the PCN saturation.