A Two-Dimensional Gridded Solar Forecasting System using Situation-Dependent Blending of Multiple Weather Models

Monday, 14 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Siyuan Lu, IBM Yorktown Heights, Yorktown Heights, NY, United States
Previously, we reported the application of a “weather situation” dependent multi-model blending approach to improve the forecast accuracy of solar irradiance and other atmospheric parameters. The approach uses machine-learning techniques to classify “weather situations” by a set of atmospheric parameters. The “weather situation” classification is location-dependent and each “weather situation” has characteristic forecast errors from a set of individual input numerical weather prediction (NWP) models. The input models are thus corrected or combined differently for different “weather situations” to minimize the overall forecast error.

While the original implementation of the model-blending is applicable to only point-like locations having historical data of both measurements and forecasts, here we extend the approach to provide two-dimensional (2D) gridded forecasts. An experimental 2D forecasting system has been set up to provide gridded forecasts of solar irradiance (global horizontal irradiance), temperature, wind speed, and humidity for the contiguous United States (CONUS). Validation results show around 30% enhancement of 0 to 48 hour ahead solar irradiance forecast accuracy compared to the best input NWP model. The forecasting system may be leveraged by other site- or region-specific solar energy forecast products.

To enable the 2D forecasting system, historical solar irradiance measurements from around 1,600 selected sites of the remote automated weather stations (RAWS) network have been employed. The CONUS was divided into smaller sub-regions, each containing a group of 10 to 20 RAWS sites. A group of sites, as classified by statistical analysis, have similar “weather patterns”, i.e. the NWPs have similar “weather situation” dependent forecast errors for all sites in a group. The model-blending trained by the historical data from a group of sites is then applied for all locations in the corresponding sub-region. We discuss some key techniques developed for setting up the 2D forecasting system including machine-learning based methods for RAWS site classification and for automatically excluding erroneous measurement data.

The work is partially supported by the US Department of Energy SunShot Initiative (Contract #DE-EE0006017).