Stability of intra-permafrost hydrates in the Arctic shelf: Results of experimental work performed in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Evgeny Mikhailovich Chuvilin, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
One possible reason for methane venting from the Arctic shelf could be destabilization of intra-permafrost hydrates due to inundation of permafrost by seawater a few thousand years ago. Formation of intra-permafrost hydrates presumably takes place when regression of the sea exposes a shelf above sea level; subsequently the sediments cool and freeze. Ice crystals growing within the pore and/or inter-pore space create high pressure; together with low temperatures (down to -22°C), this produces very specific temperature-pressure (T/P) conditions that allow the existence of hydrates at any depth below the seafloor/ground surface where such T/P conditions develop. An additional factor stabilizing this type of hydrate is the so-called self-preservation phenomenon; due to this phenomenon, it has been suggested that hydrates can remain stable during inter-glacial cycles (so-called metastable or relic hydrates). However, destabilization of intra-permafrost hydrates might occur due to significant change in the permafrost thermal regime as well as to salt penetration down the sediment core. To assess the stability of intra-permafrost hydrates, we examined sediment cores drilled from the sea ice in the near-shore zone of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) (Laptev Sea, Buor-Khaya Bay). There is a critical negative (below 0°C) temperature under which relic hydrates start to dissociate, causing volumetric expansion of dissociation-generated free gas. Experimental data revealed that salt penetration into frozen hydrate-containing sediments could affect the stability of intra-permafrost hydrates before heat propagation causes thawing of permafrost. Intrusion of salt ions can cause active dissociation of intra-permafrost hydrates and consequent releases of methane even from frozen hydrate-bearing sediments/ground. These findings are important in connection with methane releases observed in the ESAS underlain with subsea permafrost, which is experiencing change in its thermal regime due to inundation by seawater.