The Atmospheres of Pluto and Charon

Friday, 18 December 2015: 15:08
102 (Moscone South)
Randy Gladstone, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States and The New Horizons Atmospheres Team
Major goals of the New Horizons (NH) mission are to explore and characterize the structure and composition of Pluto’s atmosphere, and to determine whether Charon has a measurable atmosphere of its own. Several instruments onboard NH contribute to these goals, primarily: 1) the REX instrument, through uplink X-band radio occultations, 2) the Alice instrument, through extreme- and far-ultraviolet solar occultations, and 3) the LORRI panchromatic imager, through high-phase-angle imaging. The associated datasets were obtained following closest approach of NH to Pluto. Pressure and temperature profiles of the lower atmosphere are derived from the REX data, the composition and structure of the extended atmosphere are derived from the Alice data (supported by approach observations of reflected ultraviolet sunlight), and the distribution and properties of Pluto’s hazes are derived from the LORRI data. In this talk an overview of the early atmosphere science results will be presented.