On the Distinctively Skewed and Heavy Tailed Character of Atmospheric and Oceanic Probability Distributions
The probability distributions of large-scale atmospheric and oceanic variables are generallyskewed and heavy-tailed. We argue that their distinctive departures from Gaussianity arise fundamentally
from the fact that in a quadratically nonlinear system with a quadratic invariant, the coupling
coefficients between system components are not constant but depend linearly on the system
state in a distinctive way. In particular, the skewness arises from a tendency of the system trajectory
to linger near states of weak coupling. We show that the salient features of the observed non-
Gaussianity can be captured in the simplest such nonlinear 2-component system. If the system is
stochastically forced and linearly damped, with one component damped much more strongly than
the other, then the strongly damped fast component becomes effectively decoupled from the
weakly damped slow component, and its impact on the slow component can be approximated as a
stochastic noise forcing plus an augmented nonlinear damping. In the limit of large time-scale
separation, the nonlinear augmentation of the damping becomes small, and the noise forcing can
be approximated as an additive noise plus a correlated additive and multiplicative noise
(CAM noise) forcing. Much of the diversity of observed large-scale atmospheric and oceanic
probability distributions can be interpreted in this minimal framework.