Plate-like convection in fluids with temperature-dependent viscosity

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 16:15
300 (Moscone South)
Jezabel Curbelo, LGLTPE Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon : Terre, Planètes et Environnement, Villeurbanne Cedex, France and Ana Maria Mancho, ICMAT-CSIC, Madrid, Spain

The study of instabilities in fluids in which viscosity experiences a transition at a certain temperature range is of great interest for the understanding of planetary interiors, since this phenomena is suitable for representing a very viscous lithosphere (and thus rather rigid) over a convecting mantle. To this end, we study a 2D convection problem in which viscosity depends on temperature by abruptly changing its value within a narrow temperature gap. Notable solutions are found for a sharp transition viscosity law which are fundamentally related to the presence of a symmetry in the problem. For instance, cyclic series are found consisting of spontaneous plate-like behaviors emerging sporadically through abrupt bursts, and rapidly evolving towards a stagnant lid regime. The plate-like evolution alternates motions towards either right or left, introducing temporary asymmetries on the convecting styles. Further time-dependent regimes with stagnant and plate-like lids are described, which are also greatly influenced by the presence of the symmetry. These results provide convection examples of moving plates, that coexist with subsurface upwards and downwards meandering jets, but without a proper subduction, and can be particularly illustrative for understanding convective styles of the Earth prior to subduction, or that of other planetary bodies.