Seismicity of the Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge and its Large Offset Transforms recorded during a multi-year hydrophone array deployment

Monday, 14 December 2015: 11:50
310 (Moscone South)
Robert P Dziak1, Deborah K Smith2, Joseph Haxel1 and Ross Patrick Meyer3, (1)NOAA Newport, Newport, OR, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (3)University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, United States
To increase our understanding of the slow-spreading, equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), we deployed an array of eight autonomous hydrophones centered on the ridge axis between ~20°N and ~10°S. The hydrophones were deployed for 2+ years (500 Hz sample rate) and obtained a continuous record of the regional seismicity. This region is especially interesting for many reasons. A strongly segmented MAR is offset by some of the longest transform faults in the global oceans. In addition, the North America-South America-Africa (NA-SA-AF) triple junction is thought to be between 10°N and 20°N at the MAR, but its exact location is not well-defined. And finally, the NA-SA plate boundary is not clearly delineated by teleseismicity or prominent seafloor structures despite known relative motion between the plates. Seven of the eight hydrophones were recovered in January 2015 and earthquake location analysis is underway. These seismic data will be used to understand the modes of spreading, short-term earthquake predictability, and triple junction dynamics. In particular, we will use patterns in the earthquake data to address the following: 1) Whether long-lived detachment faults play a central role in accretion at the equatorial MAR similar to what is observed to the north (Escartin et al., 2008). 2) Whether foreshock sequences can be used to predict (retrospectively) earthquakes with magnitudes ≥ 5.4 mb on equatorial Atlantic transform faults as they can be on Pacific transforms (McGuire et al., 2005). A total of eighteen teleseismic earthquakes ≥ 5.4 mb occurred in this region during the hydrophone deployment providing a robust data base to test this foreshock precursor hypothesis. 3) Lastly, whether or not the geometry and crustal stress patterns induced by the NA-SA-AF triple junction are apparent in the earthquake data. If so, the earthquake patterns will help improve our understanding of triple junction dynamics and overall lithospheric strength.