Hydrological response to Black Carbon deposition in seasonally snow covered catchments in Norway using two different atmospheric transport models
Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 08:45
3002 (Moscone West)
Felix Matt1 and John F Burkhart1,2, (1)University of Oslo, Geosciences, Oslo, Norway, (2)University of California, Merced, Sierra Nevada Research Institute, Merced, CA, United States
Black Carbon (BC) has been shown to
significantly impact snow melt through lowering the albedo of snow
and increasing the absorption rate of short wave radiation. Yet few
studies have investigated the effect of the enhanced melt on
hydrological variability. BC sources for Norway are rather remote and
deposition rates low. However, once deposited on snow even low
concentrations of BC can have a detectable effect on the snow melt.
Variations in snow melt have a direct impact on the snow cover
duration and the timing and magnitude of peak outflow. In this study,
we use two different atmospheric transport models (the Lagrangian
transport and dispersion model FELXPART and the regional
aerosol-climate model REMO-HAM) and GAINS emissions to simulate
deposition rates over Norway and Statkraftâs
Hydrologic Forecasting Toolbox (ShyFT) to simulate the
impact of BC deposition on the seasonal snow melt. The Snow, Ice, and
Aerosol Radiation (SNICAR) model coupled to the snow routine of the
hydrological model is used to determine the albedo of the snow as a
function of the BC concentration in two snow layers. To investigate
the impact range of BC on the seasonal snow melt, we simulate the
catchment hydrology of catchments in south-east, south-west and
northern Norway under the impact of deposition rates from both
transport models, respectively. Comparing the deposition rates from
the two transport models, we observe large differences in the
seasonal cycle which in turn results in a significantly different
response in the snow melt. Furthermore, we investigate the overall
impact of BC deposition on the snow melt and duration on a catchment
scale for both transport models.