Impact of Convective Invigoration due to Aerosol on Shallow Couds during Shallow Meridional Circulation.
We investigate the potential affect of aerosols in two ways: by adding a proxy effect of aerosols in the form of localised heating perturbations that mimic latent heating effects, and by directly increasing the CCN concentration from 100 to 800 per cc. Four simulations are performed. The first simulation is considered as a control in which there is no added heating perturbation. The next two are perturbed cases in which localised heating perturbations are added - to latent heating in the cumulus and microphysics schemes at 20km and 2km resolutions respectively. The final simulation increases the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration to a high value. Results from both proxy heating and high CCN 2km resolution simulations show invigoration of deep convective clouds with no effect on shallow clouds. Proxy heating experiment at 20 km resolution show similar invigoration of deep convective clouds followed by suppression of shallow clouds. Cloud changes with respect to aerosol from two different methodology will be presented and throughly discussed.