Model Study on Potential Contributions of the Proposed Huangpu Gate to Flood Control in Taihu Lake Basin

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Hanghui Zhang, Shuguang Liu and Jianchun Ye, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
The Taihu Lake basin, one of the most developed and dynamic regions, is located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta, Eastern China. The largest flood in history is the 1999 flood event with a return period of 1 in 200 years, which is above the current capacity of flooding defense in the basin with a return period of 1 in 50 years. Due to its flat saucer-like terrain, the capacity of the flood control system is dependent on the flood defense infrastructure and the peripheral tidal conditions. The Huangpu River, connecting the Taihu Lake and the Yangtze River, is one of the major drains, which is strongly influenced by high tide conditions in the coastal waters of the Yangtze River. Hence, constructing an estuary gate is considered one of the effective solutions to the flooding problem in the basin. This paper aims to quantitatively analyze the potential contributions of the proposed Huangpu gate to flood control capacity of the basin under various flooding scenarios. It is concluded that the Huangpu gate is an effective mean to evacuate the floodwaters, by reducing peak levels in the upper part of the tide-affected river. It’s beneficiaries include the Taihu Lake, the related surrounding areas along the Taipu Canal and the Huangpu River basin.

Keywords: Flood control, Estuary gate, Taihu Lake Basin, Scenario analysis, Tide intrusion