The View from a Few Hundred Feet : A New Transparent and Integrated Workflow for UAV-collected Data

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Fox Sparky Peterson, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States, Lindsay Barbieri, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, United States and ESIP Federation Drone Team
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) allow scientists and civilians to monitor earth and atmospheric conditions in remote locations. To keep up with the rapid evolution of UAV technology, data workflows must also be flexible, integrated, and introspective. Here, we present our data workflow for a project to assess the feasibility of detecting threshold levels of methane, carbon-dioxide, and other aerosols by mounting consumer-grade gas analysis sensors on UAV's. Particularly, we highlight our use of Project Jupyter, a set of open-source software tools and documentation designed for developing "collaborative narratives" around scientific workflows. By embracing the GitHub-backed, multi-language systems available in Project Jupyter, we enable interaction and exploratory computation while simultaneously embracing distributed version control. Additionally, the transparency of this method builds trust with civilians and decision-makers and leverages collaboration and communication to resolve problems. The goal of this presentation is to provide a generic data workflow for scientific inquiries involving UAVs and to invite the participation of the AGU community in its improvement and curation.