DREAM3D simulations of inner-belt dynamics

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Gregory Cunningham, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
A 1973 paper by Lyons and Thorne explains the two-belt structure for electrons in the inner magnetosphere as a balance between inward radial diffusion and loss to the atmosphere due to pitch-angle scattering from Coulomb and VLF wave-particle interactions. In this paper, equilibrium solutions to a set of 1D radial diffusion equations, one for each value of the first invariant of motion, μ, were computed to produce the equilibrium structure. Each diffusion equation incorporated an L- and μ-dependent `lifetime' due to the Coulomb and wave-particle interactions. This model is appropriate under the assumption that radial diffusion is slow in comparison to pitch-angle scattering, and that there is no acceleration caused by the VLF wave-particle interactions. We have revisited this model using our DREAM3D 3D diffusion code, which allows the user to explicitly model the diffusion in pitch-angle and momentum rather than using a lifetime. We find that a) replacing the lifetimes with an explicit model of pitch-angle diffusion, thus allowing for coupling between radial and pitch-angle diffusion, affects the equilibrium structure, and b) over the long time scales needed to reach equilibrium, significant acceleration due to VLF wave particle interactions takes place due to the 'cross-terms' in pitch-angle and momentum and the sharp gradient in the equilibrium pitch-angle distributions. We also find that the equilibrium solutions are quite sensitive to various aspects of the physics model employed in the 1973 paper that can be improved, suggesting that additional work needs to be done to fully understand the equilibirum nature of the trapped electron radiation belts.