Understanding Io’s Interior Structure from Electromagnetic Induction

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Krishan K Khurana, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, Laszlo P Keszthelyi, USGS, Flagstaff, United States and Xianzhe Jia, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Io has long been suspected of a molten interior based on theoretical models of tidal dissipation in its interior. Extremely high temperature lava erupting on Io’s surface would be consistent with an internal magma ocean but the highest reported eruption temperatures are questionable. Currently, the only direct evidence of a subsurface magma ocean in Io is the electromagnetic induction response observed by Galileo (Khurana et al. 2011, Science, 332, 1186).

Using Jupiter’s rotating magnetic field as a sounding signal, Khurana et al. (2011) provided evidence of a strong dipolar induction signature in Galileo’s magnetometer data from four different flybys. They further showed that the signal is consistent with electromagnetic induction from large amounts of rock-melts in the asthenosphere of Io. Modeling showed that the induction response from a completely solid mantle model is inadequate to explain the magnetometer observations. However, a layer of asthenosphere >50 km in thickness with a melt fraction ≥20% is adequate to accurately match the observed magnetic field.

Here we summarize our current knowledge of Io’s interior from Galileo’s induction measurements, and then outline a scheme to further infer properties of Io’s interior, especially its internal temperature profile, by marrying the principles of thermodynamics with those of electromagnetism. In particular, we obtain guidance on stable mineral phases and their physical properties (such as density, melt state and electrical conductivity) from thermodynamic principles, whereas guidance on how the resulting internal conductivity profile affects the magnetic environment around Io is obtained from electromagnetic theory. We also explore how induction measurements can be obtained at multiple frequencies from a future mission and be used to constrain both the location and the thickness of the magma ocean.

Finally, we explore the consequences of the global magma ocean on Io’s physical properties such as the current sites of tidal energy dissipation, the absence of an internal magnetic field and a lack of plate tectonics on its surface.