Improvements to a High Spectral Resolution, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Model of a Lightning Return Stroke and Comparisons with Measured Spectra and Inferred Plasma Properties
Improvements to a High Spectral Resolution, Radiation-Hydrodynamics Model of a Lightning Return Stroke and Comparisons with Measured Spectra and Inferred Plasma Properties
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
We describe developments to a 1-D cylindrical, radiation-hydrodynamics model of a lightning return stroke that simulates lighting spectra with 1 Angstrom resolution in photon wavelength. In previous calculations we assumed standard density air in the return stroke channel and the resulting optical spectrum was that of an optically thick emitter, unlike measured spectra that are optically thin. In this work, we improve our model by initializing our simulation assuming that the leader-heated channel is pre-expanded to a density of 0.01-0.05 ambient and near pressure equilibrium with the surrounding ambient air and by implementing a time-dependent, external heat source to incorporate the effects of continuing current. By doing so, our simulated spectra, illustrated in the attached figure, show strong spectral emission characteristics at wavelengths similar to spectra measured by Orville (1968). In this poster, we describe our model and compare our simulated results with spectra measured by Orville (1968) and Smith (2015). We also use spectroscopic methods to compute physical properties of the plasma channel, e.g. temperature, from Smith’s measurements and compare these with our simulated results.