Comparison of Energetic Electron Distribution Functions Derived from CXDs (L~4.2), CPAs and SOPAs (L~6.6), and Model AE8 at or near the Magnetic Equator

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Thomas E. Cayton, Retired, Rio Rancho, NM, United States
Throughout the range of L-shells important for GPS and GEO spacecraft (4.2<L<7.2) the energy dependence of the electron distribution function derived from model AE8 is represented very well by a sum of 3 exponential components, soft, hard, and tail, each parameterized by a temperature and a density. Furthermore, the 3 temperatures vary only slightly over this range of L-shells suggesting an almost isothermal electron population. Indeed, for AE8, the temperatures of the soft and hard populations actually decrease with decreasing L. The event-dominated and non-event-dominated natures of time variations on L-shells observed by GPS and GEO, respectively, underlie this paradox.1 At one end of the L range, and consistent with AE8, in situ measurements (averaged for several minutes or more) from GEO spacecraft are represented well by sums of 3 exponential components, and individual spectra resemble their average. At the lower end of the L range, however, individual CXD spectra exhibit characteristic non-equilibrium leakage features,2 and they bare little resemblance to their average. Local-time asymmetries develop at L=4.2 during event decay phases that follow electron injections; 0.3 MeV electrons exhibit the largest asymmetries on these L-shells. When a 14-day-long averaging interval (sets of 14 individual CXD spectra with similar magnetic-equator-crossing coordinates) includes one or more electron injections, the energy dependence of the average spectra often resemble sums of 3 exponential components, consistent with the model based on average fluxes, AE8.

1.) K. W. Chan, M. J. Teague, N. J. Schofield, and J. I. Vette, “Modeling of Electron Time Variations in the Radiation Belts,” Quantitative Modeling of Magnetospheric Processes, W. P. Olson, ed., AGU, Washington D.C., 1979, p. 147.

2.) J. J. Duderstadt and L. J. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, John Wiley, New York, 1976, pp.381-383.