Taverna Workflows in the Virtual Observatory

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Kevin Benson, Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Dorking, RH5, United Kingdom
Taverna workflows used in the Virtual Observatory

Planetary and Solar applications developed over the last decade generate data
at a previously unimaginable scale. One of these programmes which builds on
the strengths of IDIS of Europlanet FP7, is the Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access (VESPA). With
VESPA more data will be distributed and the connectivity of tools and infrastructure will
improve. VESPA enables growth of the user and provider community.
However the challenge of connectivity persist throughout applications data services. VESPA calls
are formed in part by tools and interactions services. One such tool and interaction
service is the Taverna workflow management system. Workflows allow to address the challenges
of data interconnectivity by establishing pipeline to services offered by other data
streaming services. Workflows offer the capability to cross domains and overome
interoperability issues. Furthermore, Taverna offers sharing of workflows;
academic community 'myExperiment', a social site for scientists,
supports search and opens access to pre existing workflows. 

This presentation focuses on cross domain workflows including use of the infrastructure setup with Helio, EUROPLANET and
VAMDC projects. Hands on demonstration and an opportunity to join the community discussion will
make the presentation more interactive