Growing and Supporting the Student and Early Career Pipeline in Earth and Space Sciences – A Spotlight on New AGU Initiatives

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 08:30
310 (Moscone South)
Billy M Williams, Pranoti M Asher, Harry Furukawa, Bethany Holm Adamec, Erik R Hankin, Margo Lee and Paul Cooper, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, United States
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is home to more than 60,000 scientists from 139 countries. Included in this membership are approximately 20,000 (34%) student and early career members. Many well-established programs within AGU provide a dynamic forum for Earth and Space scientists to advance research, collaborate across disciplines, and communicate the importance and impact of science to society regardless of career stage—programs such as AGU publications, scientific meetings and conferences, honors and recognition, and other educational and scientific forums. Additionally, many AGU program initiatives focusing specifically on supporting student and early career scientists and the global talent pool pipeline ones are actively underway. These include both new and long-standing programs.

This presentation will describe (1) the overall demographics and needs in Earth and Space sciences, and (2) AGU’s coordinated series of programs designed to help attract, retain and support student and early career scientists—with an emphasis on new programmatic activities and initiatives targeting improved diversity. Included in this presentation are a description of the AGU BrightSTaRS Program, the AGU Berkner Program for international students, a newly established AGU Student & Early Career Conference, the AGU Virtual Poster Showcase initiative, the AGU Meeting Mentor program, and GeoLEAD—an umbrella program being jointly built by a coalition of societies to help address Earth and space sciences talent pool needs.