Evaluation of an Infiltration Model with Microchannels

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Maria Garcia-Serrana1,2, John S Gulliver1,2 and John Little Nieber3, (1)University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Civil, Environmental and Geo-engineering, Minneapolis, MN, United States, (2)St. Anthony Falls Laboratory, Minneapolis, MN, United States, (3)Univ of Minnesota, Twin Cities, St. Paul, MN, United States
This research goal is to develop and demonstrate the means by which roadside drainage ditches and filter strips can be assigned the appropriate volume reduction credits by infiltration. These vegetated surfaces convey stormwater, infiltrate runoff, and filter and/or settle solids, and are often placed along roads and other impermeable surfaces.

Infiltration rates are typically calculated by assuming that water flows as sheet flow over the slope. However, for most intensities water flow occurs in narrow and shallow micro-channels and concentrates in depressions. This channelization reduces the fraction of the soil surface covered with the water coming from the road. The non-uniform distribution of water along a hillslope directly affects infiltration.

First, laboratory and field experiments have been conducted to characterize the spatial pattern of flow for stormwater runoff entering onto the surface of a sloped surface in a drainage ditch. In the laboratory experiments different micro-topographies were tested over bare sandy loam soil: a smooth surface, and three and five parallel rills. All the surfaces experienced erosion; the initially smooth surface developed a system of channels over time that increased runoff generation. On average, the initially smooth surfaces infiltrated 10% more volume than the initially rilled surfaces. The field experiments were performed in the side slope of established roadside drainage ditches. Three rates of runoff from a road surface into the swale slope were tested, representing runoff from 1, 2, and 10-year storm events. The average percentage of input runoff water infiltrated in the 32 experiments was 67%, with a 21% standard deviation. Multiple measurements of saturated hydraulic conductivity were conducted to account for its spatial variability.

Second, a rate-based coupled infiltration and overland model has been designed that calculates stormwater infiltration efficiency of swales. The Green-Ampt-Mein-Larson assumptions were implemented to calculate infiltration along with a kinematic wave model for overland flow that accounts for short-circuiting of flow. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis on the parameters implemented in the model has been performed. Finally, the field experiments results have been used to quantify the validity of the coupled model.