Efficacy of Biostimulation for Uranium Sequestration: Coupled Effects Sediment/Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology

Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Jie Xu1, Harish Veeramani2, Nikolla P Qafoku3, Gargi Singh1, Amy Pruden1, Ravi K Kukkadapu4 and Michael F Hochella Jr5, (1)Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, United States, (2)University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, (3)Pacific Northwest National Lab, Richland, United States, (4)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States, (5)Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, United States
A systematic flow-through column study was conducted using sediments and groundwater from the subsurface at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Integrated Field Research Challenge (IFRC) site in Rifle, Colorado, to better understand the efficacy of uranium removal from the groundwater with and without biostimulation in the form of acetate amendments. The interactive effects of acetate amendment, groundwater/sediment geochemistry, and intrinsic bacterial community composition were evaluated using four types of sediments, collected from different uranium-contaminated (D08, LQ107, CD) or non-contaminated (RABS) aquifers. Subtle variations in the sediments’ geochemistry in terms of mineral compositions, particle sizes, redox conditions, and metal(loid) co-contaminants had a marked effect on the uranium removal efficiency, following a descending trend of D08 (~ 90 to 95%) >> RABS (~ 20 to 25) ≥ LQ107 (~ 15 to 20%) > CD (~ -10 to 0%). Overall, biostimulation of the sediments with acetate drove deeper anoxic conditions and observable shifts in bacterial population structures. The abundance of dissimilatory sulfate-reduction genes (i.e., drsA), markers of sulfate-reducing bacteria, were highest in the sediments that performed best in terms of uranium removal. By comparison, no obvious associations were found between the uranium removal efficiency and the abundance of typical iron-reducing microorganisms, e.g., Geobacter spp. In the sediments where bacterial biomass was relatively low and sulfate-reduction was not detected (i.e., CD), abiotic adsorption onto fine mineral surfaces such as phyllosilates likely played a dominant role in the attenuation of aqueous uranium. In these scenarios, however, acetate amendment induced significant remobilization of the sequestered uranium and other heavy metals (e.g., strontium), leading to zero or negative uranium removal efficiencies (i.e., CD). The results of this study suggest that reductive immobilization of uranium can be effectively achieved under predominantly sulfate-reducing conditions in sediment microenvironments when bioavailable iron (III) (oxyhydr)oxides are mostly depleted, and provide insight into the integrated roles of sediment geochemistry, mineralogy, and bacterial population dynamics.