Characteristic Fracture Spacing in Primary and Secondary Recovery from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Characteristic Fracture Spacing in Primary and Secondary Recovery from Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Friday, 18 December 2015: 15:25
3018 (Moscone West)
We showed previously (Gong and Rossen, 2014a,b) that, if the fracture aperture distribution is broad enough in a naturally fractured reservoir, even one where the fracture network is well-connected, most fractures can be eliminated without significantly affecting the flow through the fracture network. During a waterflood or enhanced-oil-recovery (EOR) process, the production of oil depends on the supply of injected water or EOR agent. This suggests that the characteristic fracture spacing for the dual-porosity/dual-permeability simulation of waterflood or EOR in a naturally fractured reservoir should account not for all fractures but only the relatively small portion of the fracture network carrying almost all the injected water or EOR agent. In contrast, in primary production even a relatively small fracture represents an effective path for oil to flow to a production well. Thus in primary production the effective fracture spacing should include all the fractures. This distinction means that the "shape factor" in dual-porosity/dual-permeability reservoir simulators and the repeating unit in homogenization should depend on the process involved: specifically, it should be different for primary and secondary or tertiary recovery. We test this hypothesis in a simple representation of a fractured reservoir with a non-uniform distribution of fracture flow conductivities. We compare oil production, flow patterns in matrix, and the pattern of oil recovery around fractures with and without the ”unimportant” fractures present. In primary production, all fractures which are much more permeable than matrix play a significant role in production. The shape factor or repeating-unit size should reflect the entire fracture distribution. In secondary or tertiary production, the role of fractures that carry relatively little flow depends on injection rate, the ratio of flow carried by the different fractures, and the permeability of matrix. In some cases, the appropriate shape factor or repeating-unit size for waterflood or EOR should reflect only those fractures that carry most of the flow.References:
Gong, and Rossen, 14th ECMOR Conf., Catania, Sicily, 2014(a).
Gong, and Rossen, Intl. Discrete Fracture Network Eng. Conf., Vancouver, Canada, 2014(b).