First results on the direct effects of aerosols in the Brazilian Earth System Model

Thursday, 17 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Jayant Pendharkar, CPTEC Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Research, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
Brazilian Earth System Model (BESM) is being developed at Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil with a mission to build and utilize the potential to generate scenarios for future climate change, represent in the best capacity the processes relevant to Brazil’s interest thereby playing a lead role in determining policies pertaining to environment and climate change, and participate in the IPCC global climate change scenarios. One of the developmental goals of BESM is to simulate the affects of aerosols in its climate model. The Hamburg Aerosol Model (HAM) is been chosen as the aerosol transport module for BESM. The implementation is categorized in three phases, of which the initialization phase has been completed. The work is underway to include the radiative affect of aerosols. We propose to present the first results of the implementation of the radiative affects of the aerosols that is, radiative forcing over different regions of Brazil with sector specific environmental conditions like forest fires, industrial, domestic etc. The initial simulations will be crucial for the BESM and will also shed light on the performance of the different radiation schemes in BESM and to its response to aerosols.