Improvements to Shortwave Absorption in the GFDL General Circulation Model Radiation Code

Friday, 18 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Stuart Freidenreich, GFDL/NOAA, Princeton, NJ, United States
The multiple-band shortwave radiation parameterization used in the GFDL general circulation models is being revised to better simulate the disposition of the solar flux in comparison with line-by-line+doubling-adding reference calculations based on the HITRAN 2012 catalog. For clear skies, a notable deficiency in the older formulation is an underestimate of atmospheric absorption. The two main reasons for this is the neglecting of both H2O absorption for wavenumbers < 2500 cm-1 and the O2 continuum. Further contributions to this underestimate are due to neglecting the effects of CH4, N2O and stratospheric H2O absorption. These issues are addressed in the revised formulation and result in globally average shortwave absorption increasing from 74 to 78 Wm-2. The number of spectral bands considered remains the same (18), but the number of pseudomonochromatic intervals (based mainly on the exponential-sum-fit technique) for the determination of H2O absorption is increased from 38 to 74, allowing for more accuracy in its simulation. Also, CO2 absorption is now determined by the exponential-sum-fit technique, replacing an algebraic absorptivity expression in the older parameterization; this improves the simulation of the heating in the stratosphere. Improvements to the treatment of multiple scattering are currently being tested. This involves replacing the current algorithm, which consists of the two stream delta-Eddington, with a four stream algorithm. Initial results show that in most, but not all cases these produce better agreement with the reference doubling-adding results.