Quantitative analysis of a transportable matter-wave gravimeter
This paper summarizes the latest results obtained with our second generation Absolute Quantum Gravimeter (AQG). This instrument relies on the utilization of advanced matter-wave interferometry techniques, which allow us to precisely characterize the vertical acceleration experienced by a cloud of cold atoms over a free-fall of 10 cm.A significant research effort was conducted over the last months to optimize the instrument sensitivity as well as the rejection of ground vibrations, and we will present the technological solutions that were selected to meet our objectives. We will then present a detailed review of the characterizations performed with this instrument. This data shows a very satisfactory sensitivity of the AQG (2 µGal standard deviation after 1000 s of data integration) and a very robust behavior against ground vibrations. We will also present a detailed analysis of the long term behavior of the instrument.
These results clearly demonstrate the high potential of matter-wave gravimeter for high performance absolute gravity measurements. Eventually, we will discuss the research activities we are conducting to develop a field version of this instrument.