Seismic and deformation precursory to the small explosions of Marapi Volcano, West Sumatra, Indonesia
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Dannie Hidayat1, Cahya Patria2, Hendra Gunawan2, Benoit Taisne1, Dini Nurfiani1 and Encillo Jeffrey Avila1, (1)Earth Observatory of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, (2)Geological Agency of Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Marapi Volcano is one of the active volcanoes of Indonesia located near the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Its activity is characterized by small vulcanian explosions with occasional VEI 2 producing tephra and pyroclastic flows. Due to its activity, it is being monitored by Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM). Four seismic stations consists of 2 broadband and 2 short period instruments have been established since 2009. In collaboration with CVGHM, Earth Observatory of Singapore added 5 seismic stations around the volcano in 2014, initially with short period instruments but later upgraded to broadbands. We added one tilt station at the summit of Marapi. These seismic and tilt stations are telemetered by 5.8GHz radio to Marapi Observatory Post where data are archived and displayed for Marapi observers for their daily volcanic activity monitoring work. We also archive the data in the EOS and CVGHM main offices. Here we are presenting examples of seismic and deformation data from Marapi prior, during, and after the vulcanian explosion. Our study attempt to understand the state of the volcano based on monitoring data and in order to enable us to better estimate the hazards associated with the future eruptions of this or similar volcano.