Slab2 – Providing updated subduction zone geometries and modeling tools to the community

Thursday, 17 December 2015: 09:45
306 (Moscone South)
Gavin P Hayes1, Mike G Hearne1, Daniel Evan Portner1,2, Christopher Borjas1,3, Ginevra Moore1,4 and Hanna Flamme1,4, (1)USGS National Earthquake Information Center Golden, Golden, CO, United States, (2)University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, (3)University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Arlington, TX, United States, (4)Colorado School of Mines, Geophysics, Golden, CO, United States
The U.S. Geological Survey database of global subduction zone geometries (Slab1.0) combines a variety of geophysical data sets (earthquake hypocenters, moment tensors, active source seismic survey images of the shallow subduction zone, bathymetry, trench locations, and sediment thickness information) to image the shape of subducting slabs in three dimensions, at approximately 85% of the world’s convergent margins. The database is used extensively for a variety of purposes, from earthquake source imaging, to magnetotelluric modeling.

Gaps in Slab1.0 exist where input data are sparse and/or where slabs are geometrically complex (and difficult to image with an automated approach). Slab1.0 also does not include information on the uncertainty in the modeled geometrical parameters, or the input data used to image them, and provides no means to reproduce the models it described.

Currently underway, Slab2 will update and replace Slab1.0 by: (1) extending modeled slab geometries to all global subduction zones; (2) incorporating regional data sets that may describe slab geometry in finer detail than do previously used teleseismic data; (3) providing information on the uncertainties in each modeled slab surface; (4) modifying our modeling approach to a fully-three dimensional data interpolation, rather than following the 2-D to 3-D steps of Slab1.0; (5) migrating the slab modeling code base to a more universally distributable language, Python; and (6) providing the code base and input data we use to create our models, such that the community can both reproduce the slab geometries, and add their own data sets to ours to further improve upon those models in the future. In this presentation we describe our vision for Slab2, and the first results of this modeling process.