Using the Threshold of Motion as a State Variable to Predict Bed Load Hysteresis in Mountain Rivers

Tuesday, 15 December 2015: 17:45
2003 (Moscone West)
Joel P Johnson and Lindsay Olinde, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, United States
While bedload transport hysteresis is common in steep mountain streams, very few transport models predict hysteresis and its causes remain uncertain. A key variable in transport models is the nondimensional shear stress at which bedload movement becomes significant (τ*ri). Many factors influence τ*ri including clast size, the grain size distribution of the surrounding bed, turbulent intensity, clast protrusion, packing and clustering. Rather than attempt to isolate the myriad competing influences, we present a new model in which τ*ri evolves through time as a generalized function of upstream discharge and sediment supply. Discharge serves competing purposes: cumulative flow stabilizes beds by packing and interlocking grains (increasing τ*ri), while relatively higher discharge tends to destabilize beds (decreasing τ*ri). Sediment supply also influences transport rates at a given discharge. The model term that describes how τ*ri varies with supply is similar to the Exner equation. If more sediment enters a reach than leaves, then τ*ri decreases. Conceptually this occurs because deposition preferentially fills topographic lows, smooths the bed and increases near-bed velocities. Conversely, when more sediment exits a reach than enters, then τ*ri increases because erosion tends to increase bed roughness and move grains from less stable to more stable positions. We compare the new τ*ri equation to flume experiments and to field data. The model can predict both clockwise and counterclockwise hysteresis that have been observed in coarse mountain rivers. Finally, we suggest that τ*ri should be thought of as a state variable, which influences the evolution of a reach towards the equilibrium condition of transport rate just balancing supply rate.