Poynting Flux in the Region 1/2 Current Systems and Magnetic Cusp

Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Matthew Patrick1, David J Knudsen1, Johnathan K Burchill1, Claudia Stolle2, Jan Rauberg3 and Stephan C Buchert4, (1)University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, (2)Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ, Potsdam, Germany, (3)GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, (4)IRF Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
We present a global survey of ionospheric Poynting flux using the instruments onboard the three ESA Swarm spacecraft. The three Swarm satellites each carry an Electric Field Instrument (EFI) that can be used to measure ion drift velocities. Data from each EFI are combined with magnetometer measurements to create global poynting flux maps in each hemisphere, which are used to infer how electromagnetic energy dissipation in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere system changes with scale size, solar illumination, and interplanetary magnetic conditions.

Acknowledgements: The EFIs were developed and built by a consortium that
includes the University of Calgary, the Swedish Institute for Space Physics in
Uppsala, and COM DEV Canada. The Swarm EFI project is managed and funded by the
European Space Agency with additional funding from the Canadian Space Agency.