
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Mark Jellinek1, Matthew G Jackson2, Adrian Lenardic3 and Matt B Weller3, (1)University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, (2)University of California Santa Barbara, Department of Earth Sciences, Santa Barbara, CA, United States, (3)Rice University, Earth Science, Houston, TX, United States
The landmark discovery showing that the 142Nd/144Nd ratio of the accessible modern terrestrial mantle is greater than ordinary-chondrites has remarkable implications for the formation, as well as the geodynamic, magnetic and climatic histories of Earth. If Earth is derived from ordinary chondrite precursors, mass balance requires that a missing reservoir with 142Nd/144Nd lower than ordinary chondrites was isolated from the accessible mantle within 20–30 Myr following accretion. Critically for Earth evolution, this reservoir hosts the equivalent of the modern continents’ budget of radioactive heat-producing elements (U, Th and K). If this reservoir was lost to space through mechanical erosion by early impactors, the planet’s radiogenic heat generation is 18–45% lower than chondrite-based compositional estimates. Recent geodynamic calculations suggest that this reduced heat production will favor the emergence of Earth-like plate tectonics. However, parameterized thermal history calculations favor a relatively recent transition from mostly Atlantic-sized plates to the current plate tectonic mode characterized predominantly by the subduction of Pacific-sized plates. Such a transition in the style of Earth’s plate tectonics is also consistent with a delayed dynamo and an evolving rate of volcanic outgassing that ultimately favors Earth’s long-term clement climate. By contrast, relatively enhanced radiogenic heat production related to a less early impact erosion reduces the likelihood of present day plate tectonics: A chondritic Earth has a stronger likelihood to evolve as a Venus-like planet characterized by potentially wild swings in tectonic and climatic regime. Indeed, differences in internal heat production related to varying extents of impact erosion may exert strong control over Earth’s climate and explain aspects of the differences among the current climatic regimes of Earth, Venus and Mars.