Anisotropic Velocity Structure near the Alpine Fault, New Zealand, from Shear Wave Splitting of Local Earthquakes
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Poster Hall (Moscone South)
Martha K Savage1, Carolin Morag Boese2, John Townend1 and the DFDP Alpine Fault drilling team, (1)Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, (2)International Earth Sciences IESE Lt., Auckland, New Zealand
We use shear wave splitting of local earthquakes to characterize seismic anisotropy along the central portion of the transpressive, plate-bounding Alpine Fault and surrounding the Deep Fault Drilling Project (DFDP) boreholes. We combine data from the SAMBA network of 2 Hz borehole seismometers, the DFDP10 short-period surface network, and the GeoNet broadband network. Using the MFAST automatic shear wave splitting program applied to hand-picked S arrivals, 1.5 years of data yielded 15,902 measurements. Of these, 1291 measurements from 23 stations were of high quality (grades of A or B); their fast azimuths exhibit three predominant trends: one NE/SW, subparallel to the Alpine Fault, one perpendicular to it and the third E-W. The last of these, observed at the six stations closest to the fault, is roughly parallel to the maximum principal stress direction. Some stations show a single population of fast directions and others show two or more populations. We consider that the orientations are likely caused by a combination of stress-controlled, crack-induced anisotropy and structure-controlled anisotropy associated with the fault fabric and its interaction with the dominantly schistose rocks in the region. Delay times for the highest-quality measurements average 0.067±0.002 s, consistent with small splitting of the high-frequency phases (dominant frequencies 6.9±0.07 Hz) with short path lengths (4.5±0.09 s travel-time). If the anisotropy is present along the entire path, the percentage anisotropy is 1. 5%. However, delay times do not increase much with hypocentral distance, suggesting near-surface effects are dominant and hence that anisotropy is larger near the surface. To ensure the shear-wave splitting results do not depend on the particular algorithm used, a second semi-automated processing routine with different shear-wave splitting criteria is applied. A comparison of the results is anticipated to help to eliminate any possible artefacts.